If you want to install a new air conditioning system, then your HVAC company might have recommended that you also put in radiant barriers. How do these barriers work? Why should you consider adding them to your installation?

What Is a Radiant Barrier?

Radiant barriers typically go in attics and roof spaces to reduce heat flow in and out of a property. They keep spaces cooler in summer and warmer in winter. These barriers work particularly well in hot months when the sun beats down on your roof.

When this happens, your roofing materials transfer heat into your attic or roof space. This heat then moves down into your home. If you have radiant barriers in place, then they reflect some of this heat back outside. They keep the top of your home cooler.

Barriers are usually made from a shiny material such as foil. They also contain backing materials such as cardboard or plastic films. So you might attach hard materials against a wall or wrap a more flexible product around joists and rafters.

Why Add Radiant Barriers to Your Air Conditioning Installation?

You might be installing an AC system because your home is too hot for comfort in summer. While your system solves this problem, it might not work as efficiently as it should if your roof naturally makes your home hotter.

The hotter your internal temperatures are, the more you'll have to use your air conditioning. You'll use more energy, and your power bills will increase. If you install radiant barriers, then you automatically cool down the inside of your home. If you reduce internal temperatures by even a few degrees, then you won't have to use your air conditioning as often or for such long cycles. Your running costs will be lower.

Plus, radiant barriers can also help maintain air conditioning systems. If a system cycles on and off a lot during the summer to deal with high temperatures, then it might wear more quickly. You'll have to repair or replace worn parts. If you have radiant barriers in place, then you might not need to use your system as often. It is likely to need fewer repairs and to last longer.

While you can retrofit barriers after an air conditioning installation, it makes more sense to do this job when your contractor puts in your system. You get a safer and more efficient build.

For example, your contractor will ensure that your barriers give you optimum coverage. They also understand how to place barriers so that they don't get too dusty over time. If a barrier does get dusty, then it loses some of its reflective properties.

For more information, talk to your HVAC company
